I'm Allowed to Lead because I am My Own Best Friend

I'm allowed to lead because I lead myself.

I love my team, because I love myself.

I love our work, because I am deeply connected to myself.

My present moment is a manifestation of my mission.

My mission is to shine light to the world within my balanced and beautiful capacity to do so.

To support this mission, I offer self love to myself every possible second of each moment. I buoy my inner child, and she supports me, along with my higher self. We are all aligned, inner child, present moment, higher self, in clarity, compassion, and allowance.

I support this mission my releasing the story, and dropping the delusion of negativity. Life is love. And I love what is. Because I choose to, because it is what is. And what is, is FOR me. And if it is FOR me, it is for everyone.

So, I am for everyone I come into contact with. I am open. I am allowing. I am deeply connecting and understand how to make choices in the moment, out of loving compassion and clarity.

Clarity. Clarity could be my mission as well. To spread light and clarity to my world.
